The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)

THE SUN-DEMOCRAT, PADUCAH, KY. PAGE THREE AUG. 12, 1934 (ber, Raymond 1933 bloody Candler. prison break, and and 4 Prison officials said Bryant Lucas Badeaux, the latter charged several days ago with the fatal knifing of fellow convict, rushed at Guard Henry Clark. They were armed with cleverly fashioned wooden "pistols." Clark commanded them to drop their weapons.

They ignored the the guard. As other guards reachcommand a and rushed on toward ed the spot, Clark let loose, firing seven slugs from an automatic rifle into Bryant's body. Guard Riley Strother fired on Badeaux, dropping him. Firing broke out from other guards as nine convicts broke for liberty. Six were, wounded, two of them are not expected to live.

They are Michael Antakly New Orleans and Gerald Kramer. Among the number captured, unhurt, was Joseph: Schiro, cocharged with Badeaux with the killing of Fred England, another prisoner last week. Man Abandons Car and Injured Woman After An Accident BEDFORD, Aug. 11-(P) State police today sought to establish the identity of a man who abandoned an automobile and left behind an injured woman companion following an accident near here. Officers said they found in the car a revolver and an extra set of license plates.

The before lapsing into unconscious, said she was Mrs. Irene Indianapolis. So You Want To Save COME TOMORROW. Penneys Bargain Days PreShrunk Broadcloth 2 PRISONERS ARE SHOT TO DEATH AS ESCAPE IS HALTED Six Others Wounded In Attempted Dash to Freedom From Louisiana Prison BATON ROUGE, Aug. 11 -(P)-Two convicts were shot and killed and six wounded at the Louisiana State Penitentiary at Angola this morning when armed guards frustrated an attempted' wholesale escape.

The break was planned along the lines of the John Dillinger "wooden gun" escape. Guards answered the bluff with a. fusillade of shotgun fire and rifle bullets. The dead: Bill Bryant, termer and leader in the Septem- JOIN THE PARADE! Ride a ROLLFAST BICYCLE Riding a Rollfast is great sport good for you, too. Buy the BEST while you are buying.

See our stock. HART-LOCKWOOD CO. (Incorporated) 115 S. Third Phone 23 Summer Shirts Fancy and Solid Colors 59 attached and neckband styles! Made our way full cut, but not too full! Plenty long, too! Firmly sewn, first quality buttons! Whites, blues, tans, greys, greens! Values! 14-17. Boys' Men's Men's POLO COTTON WASH PLAY SHIRTS SOCKS PANTS OV'ALLS 2 for 6 for 49c 49c 95c 49c Good styles, workmanship in Rayon Undies that say value in every stitch! 49c Vests with picot trim, arm shields, non-stretch straps! Bloomers, panties, in, briefs of light-weight, plain-knit rayon! Small.

to large! Children's sizes at 19c! Ladies' New Ecru New BEACH COTTON LACE Fall SANDALS PRINTS PANELS Cretonnes Pair 5 Yards 2 for 5 Yards 49c 49c 49c 49c Boys' and Mens' Canvas SHOES ODORLESS INSOLES! 39c Porous Army duck uppers ventilate the feet let 'em breathe! Huskily built, firmly stitched! Extra thick, non-slip soles and heels! Bumperstyle toe guard! For school and gym! Print Men's New Men's WASH SHIRTS RAYON WORK DRESSES SHORTS SLIPS SHIRTS 49c 49c Set 49c Dainty Marquisette CURTAINS 49c Crisply ruffled Priscillas, smartly tailored pairs, yards long. It's good idea to buy all you're going to need now at 49c. Men's Large Size Ladies' SILK BETTER TOWELS SILK HOSE HOSE 6 for HOSE 3 pair 2 pair 49c 49c 49c 49c DENNE INCORPORATED 305-5-7 Broadway Paducah, Ky. HEALTH OFFICIALS ON GUARD AGAINST PARALYSIS ATTACK No Occasion for Serious Alarm, But Few Scattered Cases Reported In State LOUISVILLE, Aug. 11- As a precautionary measure, the State Department of Health is seeking to provide An adequate supply of infantile paralysis convalescent serum and normal adult serum for use in the possible event of an epidemic outbreak of the disease Kentucky.

At present, infantile paralysis 1s not sufficiently prevalent anywhere in the State to furnish occasion for serious alarm. Scattered cases, however, are being reported from different sections. This, coupled with the fact that infantile paralysis usually reaches its highest incidence in tucky during August, September and October and with the additional fact that the Pacific Coast 1s now experlencing an outbreak of epidemic proportions, makes it of first importance that no practicable precautions be neglected. Control of infantile paralysis, says Dr. M.

H. Jensen, state Epidemiologist, would seem to lie in early diagnosis and early administration of convalescent serum. It is only in the early or preparalytic stages of the disease that convalescent serum appears to be of value. The secret of making 8 diagnosis in the acute or early stages of the disease lies, in turn, in thinking of the possibility of infantile paralysis in any ill child, whose trouble is not immediately and definitely diagnosed as some other condition. The symptoms of particular diagnostic importance are: Extreme irritability and resistance on the part of the child to handling, even by its mothersomething altogether unusual in childhood disease; stiffness.

of the back and of the neck upon the shoulders; and prostration, pulse and respiration out of proportion to temperature, which is ordinarily under 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Promptness Essential Convalescent serum must be given promptly. While the value of this serum is still controversial, the patient should always be given the benefit of the doubt. Even though a suspected case should subsequently prove to be not one of infantile paralysis, no harm would have been done by the giving of the serum. Because of the extreme difficulty of providing convalescent serum in quantities sufficient to take care of all preparalytic cases, or suspected of infantile paralysis, normal adult serum is collected from healthy adults.

Several recent reports Indicate that this adult serum is as efficacious as the convalescent serum. The manner in which infantile paralysis occurs would seem, in Dr. Jensen's opinion, to indicate that, while the virus is probably distributed by means of human carriers, a case, of the disease offers little danger of contagion to immediate contacts. Few families develop more than one case of infantile paralysis. Immediate development of the disease in contacts outside of the family is also rare.

It. is recommended, therefore, that to conserve the supply of serum, contacts be given adult whole blood intramuscularly or merely be watched closely and given serum in the event of development of symptoms of infantile paralysis. In any event, the active case. of the disease should be isolated and no children( and no adults outside the family) should be allowed to come in contact with it for at least -three weeks after the acute onset. Arrangements 1 have been made by the Bureau of Bacteriology to supply convalescent serum, free of charge, to the indigent.

The request is made that patients able to pay be charged $1.00 for each dose of convalescent or adult serum and that this sum be remitted to the Bureau. To facilitate distribution, 8 number of county health departments, located in the eastern and central portions of the State, have been designated as depositories. These departments are as follows: Perry County Health Department, Hazard. Boyd County Health Department, Ashland. Madison County Health Department, Richmond.

Warren County Health Department, Bowling Green. Knox County Health Department, Barbourville. Orders for convalescent serum or normal adult serum should be telephoned or telegraphed to the Bureau of Bacteriology, State Department of Health, Louisville, Kentucky, or to any one of the county health departments enumerated above. To secure prompt services, orders should be to the nearest station. Should conditions so warrant, similar depositories will be established in western Kentucky, A survey shows that the Mayans made masonry "Live." They were expert in carving stone for their better buildings, used lime cement and also were known for their woodcraft.

Regarding Things Old and New By Mary Lanier Magruder There are entirely too many persons who go loaded down with monkey wrenches to throw into the wheels of any good works. I hope the pleasant old gentleman who conducted me through part of the Detroit Art Institute reads this and lets this truth soak in. A experience as an art colectors. and student of Egyptian lore seems to have made a thor-going sceptic of him. No doubt he has been stung where it hurts worse.

Just about the time I had found the Three TItians hung in a row and settled into a contemplation of them, why did he gently murmur at my right, "If they are Titians!" Being thus inoculated with the germ of doubt, I seemed to feel at once that the paintings tacked the brilliance we associate with the work of the great Venetian. There was no way in the world, the old, gentleman said, to ascertain authenticity of any picture whose complete history was not known. Imitations are so excellent, methods so successful in aging the canvas, and copyists so clever. The Germans, strangely enough, and not the Italians, seem to be the chief offenders. Having the bubble of my illusions pricked regarding the TItians, I asked where I could find the Corot.

He looked pityingly at me. "It there is a Corot here, I have never seen it. There are about sixteen hundred so-called Corots floating about the world." The Corot Located One more illusion burst wide open, if you please. But the girl at the desk had told me there was one Corot. Under cover of a lecture, I ducked my iconoclastic escort and went on a tour of discovery and exploration, hampered by neither guide nor guidance.

Promptly I 50 found Corotish the Corot, after which all, is and not needed no guide to tell me that. The mercurial French artist must have had a grey day's mood when he painted this village scene, for it has little of the marvelous effulgence of light, the misty beauty of air that always hangs like a tender veil over his landscapes. But one bit of information the old gentleman offered me. In room given over to the old Italian painters, there is small Carreggio which is not in the master's best style, although the Madonna is charming. The little Jesus is simply a grotesque imp in her arms.

In those early years the church objected to anything which natural purported to be a human or representation of the Holy Child, and for the same reason that the face of Christ was not drawn or painted in the first years of Christianity. Therefore the features are intentionally distorted. In a Bellini, the Babe has 8 snout instead of a nose. Another Carreggio shows the head as if hydro- cephalus. A Lady 2,000 Years Old I met up with my first mummy in the Institute, and I recorded a queer feeling in my interior as I stood face to face this lady two thousand years old.

Unfortunately, I could not read her thoughts, if she had any, as a gilded mask with black, brilliantly painted concealed her features. But had distinct eyes, yearning to apologize to her for a civilization that dragged her out of a dreamless sleep of twenty centuries to up-end her behind a glass case for the curious, such as to inspect in passing. The Egyptians believed that SO long as the body was preserved after death, SO long did the soul live on. Thus the soul of that Egyptian lady, perhaps a princess of high degree, may be wandering about above the lights of the great industrial city. The mask is broken at the neck line the flesh flows through-not alive--white, but the color of an old saddle.

I have often studied the picture of Rameses III, whose mummy is in the Boston Museum of Arts. This is the Pharaoh who is popularly supposed to have oppressed the Children of Israel, and his shrunken lineaments bear 8 startling resemblance to John D. Rockefeller. But Rameses has a look of nobility and pride which the features of John D. sadly lack and, while this Pharaoh may have hustled the children of Jacob out of their camping grounds, I am willing to bet a buffalo nickel he was no penny-pincher.

He probably had the whip laid upon the backs of his slaves, but I doubt that he handed out silver dimes with the expectation TOR We Have Your Favorite Brand SUTHERLAND Drug Co. 9th B'way Phone 25 Every Man's Hope HOME OWNERSHIP BUILDING LOAN INVESTMENT, is the sure way and safe way to save toward it NATIONAL SAVINGS BUILDING ASSOCIATION 5th Broadway Phone 801 First Mortgages- Homes Only SCREEN STAR SAYS NOT LEGALLY WED TO FORMER WIFE Bancroft's Answer Contends Her Divorce From Former Husband Illegal LOS ANGELES, Aug. 11-(P)- Filing an answer to the separate maintenance suit instituted by his first wife, Mrs. Edna G. Bancroft, former stage actress, George Bancroft, motion picture actor, today charged the records show she was not legally divorced from a former husband when she went through a marriage ceremony with him in Buffalo, N.

April 17, 1913. Bancroft's answer said his first wife, who charges he deserted her and married Octavia Broske without the formality of a divorce, was married to Clarence G. Holt in New Orleans February 14, 1898. Holt was granted a default divorce in St. Clair county, prior to her marriage to Bancroft, the answer recited.

Bancroft contended, however, that at the time he was awarded the decree, no order was made respecting a daughter born to them, Gladys Holt, then less than 14 years old. Bancroft's answer cites Michigan statute in an effort to show the alleged omission with respect to the minor child made Holt's decree invalid, leaving Holt still the legal husband of the first Mrs. Bancroft. Mrs. Edna Bancroft, after filing her separate maintenance suit asking $1,000 monthly alimony and a division of community property, amended the complaint to name Mrs.

Octavia Broske Bancroft as co year-old co-respondent. daughter Bancroft by his has a second 17- wife. BURY MRS. NORMAN Funeral services for Mrs. J.

H. Norman, 85, were held Saturday at noon at the Bethlehem cemetery, with the Rev. Tipton Wilcox, of Nashville, officiating. Mrs. Norman died Friday at her home two miles from Sharpe.

Surviving her is her husband, J. Henry Norman; son, A. Y. Norman; and three grandchildren, Jewell and Erroll G. Norman of Detroit, and Mrs.

R. L. Nichols, of Sharpe. FRIED CHICKEN DINNER Delicious Spring Chicken fried to a "queen's taste," choice of vegetables, salad, dessert and drink. Rothrock's Cafe 516 Broadway present.

You'll Want More! That's How Good They Are Frozen Chocolate Malted Milk CUPS They just get at this spot that's hard to satisfy in the summer time. Frozen Chocolate Malted Milk Cups by Goldbloom are the rage of the town--both by young and old. Sold By 'All Goldbloom Dealers Phone 56 10th Monroe Funeral Services Barner Sills to Be Held Today Funeral services for Barner D. Sills, 51, will be held at o'clock this afternoon at the East Baptist cuhrch, with the Rev. J.

T. Odle officiating. Burial will be in Mt. Kenton cemetery. The honorary pallbearers, selected from the board of church deacons, will be: Huel Trevathan, Wayne Trevathan, M.

K. Trevathan, G. R. Emmerson, John Smith, J. H.

Fitch, O. B. Futrell, Rex Walston, S. E. Peak, Frank Clark and Henry Bougeno.

The active pallbearers, members of the Mechanicsburg Lodge of Odd Fellows, No. 218, will be: Harmon co*ker, M. Price, H. L. Travis, Gus Walters, Robert H.

Barker, and Frank Beckenbaugh, Jr. Mr. Sills died Thursday night at the Riverside hospital, He was a ship carpenter by trade and was prominent in. church and lodge that they be regarded with reverence 88 a treasure trove. So much has been written about the Diego Rivera murals In Rockefeller Center the row kicked up in the Detroit Institute has been lost sight of.

The walls of the glass-roofed "Garden" in the Detroit Institute of Art are covered with Rivera's murals and at first sight of them my head swam; they looked as if chaos were spread before me. Yet, if art reflects the morals and manners of its time, why should it not portray the industries and the machines which dominate the industrial age? Therefore may not art give us the man masked for a plane flight beside his plane, or the man ready to dive upward into the stratosphere? Open Mind Necessary An open mind is very necessary if one hopes to get on with Rivera. I feel I can never really appreciate those great, shapeless, pumpkin-colored women with lapfuls of luscious fruits, nor do I feel greatly enthused over the portrait of the man, evidently Mr. Henry Ford, who sits at a desk on the left wall. But after long contemplation the true perspective was mine.

The walls take on a sense a tremendous moment of arrested gestures. In the next moment one feels the mass of machinery will move, the lathes buzz, drills and presses clatter and road. Jap, Negro, Italian, Swede, Hungarian will be endowed with life and the whole scene becomes again a part of the mighty epic of labor from which Rivera has lifted it. This is not pretty art, but it is tremendous, rather heartwrenching. What seems crudity resolves into strength.

I advise all visitors to Detroit to spend an hour with the murals alone. Special Officers to Guard Quintuplets CALLENDER, Aug. 11-(P) -Two special constables were sworn in today to give 24-hour protection to the 75-day-old Dionne quintuplets, W. H. Alderson, Red Cross executive, announced.

Alderson expressed hope the home, to be known as the Dafoe hospital for the Dionne quintuplets, would be ready for use by September 1 and said he had invited David Croll, Ontario minister of public welfare, to officiate at the opening, Pope Blesses U. S. At End of Talk With the Blocks CASTEL GANDOLFO, Italy, Aug. 11-(P)-Pope Plus today extended his blessing to the people of the United States and said he wished them great happiness at the close of an audience he granted Paul Block, the American publisher, Mrs. Block and their sons.

The Pope had a long and cordial chat with the Blocks. Both the sons, Paul and William, were circles. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Carrie Ann Sills; three sons, Garlon C. Sills, Terry L.

Sills, and Barner D. Sills, all of Paducah; three daughters, Mrs. Thelma Gartrelle, of Memphis, Marcia E. Sills and Eva Fay Sills, of Paducah; two sisters, Mrs. Emma Mobly and Mrs.

Cora Cochran; and one brother, Euel Sills, of Paducah. He also is survived by ten grandchildren. Mr. Sills was one of the oldest members of the Mechanicsburg Lodge of Odd Fellows, having Joined in April, 1906. For the last 12 years he was a member of the board, Odd of Fellows trustees will of have the charge lodge.

of his funeral services today. Butler Malone Quinlan FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 246 320 N. 4th GUTHRIE'S New Aleas! New Methods! New trends in Beauty! LEARN THEM FROM OUR 'Mrs. W. T.

McCann WHO HAS JUST RETURNED FROM THE FAMOUS ELIZABETH ARDEN SCHOOL Do you know how to spply your creams and lotions so that you may derive the greatest benefit from their use? Do you know how to banish tired lines with Anti-Wrinkle Cream? Do you know how to give yourself a quick circulation treatment? Do you know what make-up accessories to use with the new colors? These are only a few questions to which you can learn the answers from our beauty adviser who has just returned from the Elizabeth Arden School in New York, where she received valuable instructions concerning Miss Arden's scientific method of skin treatment, together with Miss Arden's new ideas on beauty. Do come in and consult her. We want all of our customers to benefit by this authoritative beauty counsel and expert training. For Vacation or your, trip to the Fair, you will find a Navy Sheer The most popular frock of your, wardrobe Smart styles featured in the 'Thrift Shop" $6.85 These Sheers are of beautiful quality. Very attractively made and nicely finished.

Some have Lingerie trimmings others are trimmed in bright plaid taffeta collars and cuffs. Sizes for women and misses. "Thrift Shop," First Floor MOTHERS: You'll enjoy selecting School Dresses for the Young Ladies of School Age from our splendid collection of Kate Greenaway Frocks Brand New Fall StylesVery Reasonably Priced at $1.00 $1.59 $1.98, Novelty Ginghams, Peter Pan Fabrics and Fast Color Prints in the truly clever styles that characterize Kate Greenaway Frocks. A number of these Frocks are made of Sanforized fabrics, which is Insurance against shrinkage. Perm lastic, Sizes guaranteed the life of the 3 to Yrs.

garment, is used in the to bloomer styles. 16 Yrs..

The Paducah Sun-Democrat from Paducah, Kentucky (2024)
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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

Job: Future Retail Associate

Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.