Petaluma Argus-Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)

1. Trie rft I rtiAmm nuu, rt 1 MUI, rCDnUAnT IT "I FORMER LOCAL WOMAN wArrant'''l'inrail)r charge was is- THE CHARTER FOR HOOLIGAN'S TROUBLES. nun innrivrrn DiE8nN'TEXA9. CI3r: HERE TO BE AIRED SOON oils II BMrrM I gers fa in the city prison in default miu iijiluilu fJJIargawtaM -phalli alqneer virtually coal eased therlme Ietlc jCfubarri 'if when asked why hd had stolen, he Sacramento and. was: proudly, exhibit ed "by; Ham.

'Chambersl the; charter said It. was because hedld ndt get good enough 'V will be and prominently displayed where all can gaze upon it The prisoner, who Is only eighteen the. young farm Robert Rodgers, years of age, has a bad record as he A STICK IN TIME hand who robbed hit employer, J. 8o-'wa8 arrested 'for tarious offenses, on Sundfey afternoon and then rQ rensen. 1, different umes.

in hbiuduuib now' in the city prison, vicinity. awaiung ma ef aminapon on a cuarga of burglary Iie was arrested In' Santa Rosa oni Monday nlglit by, one of the police nim Mlddagh is, to erect a cottage ah add the lumber Is cLQnefvthft.KB2 oat! tberoadvthl" 1 4eaioniwhi- will appear here is the three act musical Ifarce comedy, entitled'HooIlgan's which, daring past seasons, has made thousands The plot is. ingenuous, and at the time comprehensive. The story briefly summarizes 7 the predicaments of Hooligan, and is taken from the pictorial representations of his doings In San Francisco, Chicago and New York pa- 1 pera. "Hooligan" 1 supported Ty a number Of pretty girls and a battalion of other comedians.

The comedy Is considered one of the best of a farcical nature ever presented, and' its reception else where has been flattering Readers of newspapers familiar with the pictorial trials of Hooligan, will naturally be glad to see bis troubles 'on the stage in a representation of real lifer The author Introduces complications and uproariously'" funny misunderstandings. The hero of tatters and now being hauled to the grdend. from a description furnished by DepH Will save nine. So will a bottle of Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup always kept op hand save many a spell of sickness. A sure care for Coughs, Colds.

Bronchitis and Whooping Cough, Mrs, Hot Springs, "I keep a bottle of Ballard's Horehonnd Syrup In my medicine chest, and. thank i jnr forethought many times. It has prevented many severe spells of sickness." For sale by Towne's drug store, 25 cents. Oh Tuesday morning there was a at the home of son JV. i Mcj Quire; last Wedneaday afternoon In Lampasas, Texas.

Mrs. McOulre has been falling In health for some moAths, and thtf end had been expected for; several days f' ''Mrs. Mcduire 'was born In Tennessee November 28, 1826. On "March 29; 1843, she 'was married to Altemus Mo-Quire, and up to' 1851, they made their home in Tennessee. It was at this 'time' that the gold fever swept the country and Mr.

and Mrs. "McOulre decided to gtf 1 to They" made the trip overland, and passed through some exciting and strange experiences. In 1876, the McOuIr family moved to Texas. Mr. McGuire died some, three years ago.

and. since that time McGuire has visited with in Texas and Missouri, and has' made two visits to children In California, returning from the last visit in October, 1906. Of her eleven children, eight are alive: Wade, McGuire, Mrs. J. L.

Rucker and Miss Julia McGuire of this heavy frost in the southern part of uty Sheriff R. L. Rasmuasen. The stolen jewelry was in the f08 session of the young man. the town, while on the hill there wan Mr.

Sorensen accompanied Sheriff nonr. Rasmussen to Santa-Rosa on Tuesday m. t. pierce, formerly of this and identified Athe was? city, is up from Saa Francisco for a LOCAL NOTES. brought to this city by the officer, A visit Good clothing-Racket Judge N.

King has been 111' at his home' foy several days. A. C. Shelton was in from Stony Point on Tuesday ttt; A. W.

Foster passed through town Monday morning on his way' home troubles has been dramatised into one of the greatest farcical musical hits of the day. The' company also carries band and orchestra, the Hooligan place, Mrs. Goad rich of Brownwood, from, his ranch at Hopland. Chicken pie dinner at the Congrega Mrs. iDr.

Fields and Mrs. Andy Fields of Burnet county, W. C. McGuire and Mrs. Sarah Earhart of California.

She also has one sister living In St Jos band parade being a unique feature. "Hooligan's Troubles" will appear at the Hill Opera House on Thursday evening, February 27th. tfonal church, Thursday, Feb. 28th. Price of dinner thirty-flve 'eehta.

Showing Miriam McNear and guests eph, Mo. Lampasas Leader. EVEN FROM THE OUNTAINL.ti left on Monday morning for their The funeral took place Thursday school In San Francisco. adiesp Sprirnipl afternoon at 2:30 at Strickland, fa Burnet county. The 4:20 train on Monday was thirty minutes late, the Mrs.

McGuire was a member of the cause not being ascertained. South Methodist Church of Petaluma for many years and has many friends who will be pained to hear of her SUITS Deputy County Clerk Q'. W. LIbby wad down from Santa Rosa on Tues Ballard's Liniment ts praised for the good It does. A sure cure for Rheu-fqatlsm and all pains.

Wright Lov tag. Grand Junction, i writes: I used Ballard's Snow Liniment, last winter, for Rheumatism and can recommend it as the best Liniment on the market I thought, at the time I was taken down with this trouble, that It would be a week before I could get about but on applying your Liniment several times during the night, was about in 48 hours well in three day;" day. death. -At the meeting of the Women of A Valuable Lesson. Woodcraft held on Monday evening, Pretty 8prlng Designs now shown for the first 'time.

Neat, servie-able materials, stylishly made and moderately priced. 8ee these at HALE'S. arrangements were made for 'a 'poverty social on next Monday evening. "Six years ago I learned a valuable lesson, writes John Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. "I then began taking Dr.

A marriage license was Issued Monday to Harry B. Gross of Qakland King's New Life Pills, and the longer and Mary L. McMellen of San Fran cisco. Spring millinery now. ready; Racket.

On Saturday Mrs. Hamilton Otis I take them the better I find them." They please everybody. Guaranteed by Towne's Drug Store. 25c. LOCAL NOTES.

The regular monthly meeting of was granted a divorce from her husband on the ground of extreme cruel $10.75 A suit made of green checked material; Peter Pan collar; box pleats on waist are piped with black and white braid; skirt has full effect trimmed in clusters of pleats. $10.75 Fancy striped materials 1n the Hose Company No. 3 was' held on Monday evening at the City' Hall. Routine business was transacted. H.

Le Cam received two man- ty, which is probably the reason why he committed suicide on Suhday. Embroideries Racket. P. Sweed, Davitt Melehan, Dr. Al holes and covers from, San Franflsco on Monday for the Bassett and Eng- bert Meyer, and Fred Kruse were sratWKnindpassenger'Tiieda7iorB" lng.

Don't forget the chicken pie dinner Miss F. T. Burns has removed her Thursday in the chapel of the Congre gational church from eleven thirty to art needle work parlors to 402 street, where she will be pleased to Make half past one. week, $16.50 Stylishly made Eton Suits, in blue and brown checked material, waist satin lined and trimmed with silk braid and fancy buttons, flat collar of taffeta silk, skirt cut very fun and after the latest pleat- $17.50 Material is a fancy mixed check, Jacket has box pleats running from front over shoulder and down back; vest and cuffs trimmed with applique; the sleeves are length; skirt cut full and pleated. $17.50 Black Panama Suit Jacket has box pleats with black and with trimming on cuff and vest; sleeves; skirt cut full' and pleated $17.50 see her customers.

Feb. 28th. Price of dinner only thirty-five cents. In the Superior Court on Monday W. W.

Whitehlll, through his attorney, William F. Cowan, petitioned the cut in the most approved fashion and trimmed very prettily; skirt has plain effect $18.75 $20.00 Fancy Eton Suit in a fancy check-mixed material skirt has a very pretty effect; Jacket Is prettily trimmed with fancy silk braid $20.00 $20-00 A very swell assortment of suits at this popular price. All latest spring styles; cut right and trimmed prettily; comes In solid colors of black, brown and also a swell line of fancy check effects. court to name him guardian of the es tates of Clarence, John and May Pep BRIDGES AND CROWN WORK. The kind that looks natural, gives the wearer perfect satisfaction and at prices within the reach of all.

DR. PHILLIPS per, minors. The argument of demurrers In the suits to Quiet title of Wheeler vs. Wheeler were continued in Judge Denny's court on Monday afternoon The suit of Wheeler vs. Johnson was The Leading Dentist Derby Southwest corner Main and Washington Street dropped from the calendar to be re stored on notice.

Davitt Melehan left on Tuesday for San Jose to assume. a position as assistant bookkeeper and stenographer for a large house: It is now an open secret that the local telephone exchange will move to Kentucky street as soon as the new Schluckebier building is completed. There was a large attendance at Dreamland rink on Saturday night and both sessions on Sunday. All who were present greatly enjoyed themselves. The W.

R. C. Thimble Bee Society and will. meet at the home of Mrs. Josie P.

Hill on Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. m. This is their first meting during the rainy season. R. L.

Rasmussen, J. Sorensen, Ham II. R. Campbell, F. A.

Meyer, W. H. Haskell, W. B. Lloyd and Gil P.

Hull were passengers to Santa Rosa Tuesday morning. Rev. A. B. Snyder, pastor of the Chnlfant.

Memorial Congregational church at Cloverdale, has tendered his resignation. The same is effective In June. There was a triple "raising" at Windsor on Saturday night under the auspice1' of Russian River Ixjdge, F. and A. of that place.

Such an event does nftn occur in connection with a lodge. Novent Petticoats LL BORI for Water; Gas or Oil, to any depth at reasonable price and satisfaction guaranteed. EMIL SHRYER, Mountain View Petaluma. 'X-i-x-t-H-x-x-H' m-k-w elegance of perfect-fitting gowns, whether simple or elaborate, will i fail to look into the merits of the' "Novent." What the best French corset is to the waist, the "Novent" is? to the skirt -the very acme grace and symmetry. Made with light-weight jersey fabric top andj elastic waistband, it entirely does-away with disfiguring fullness ofjj ordinary petticoats.

The ''-No- Vent gives'the smooth waist line and slender hip effect. Both dress- makers and dress wearers are won- dering why somebody did not modernize the petticoat before. With lustrous Satine flounce, rustling TafTena flounce, $2.50 black Taffeta silk flounce, $5.00. Other prices above and' between. itiKii'uii a li io may he a gentle' na iio "R'ovi th ng 1 1 to hTnr energy A geiillc answer conserves ami saves time.

PURE FOOD LAW How many people are there among you who know what it means? If an article Is pure, the manufacturers are more than pleased to say it on the labels of their goods and In their advertising! If they are adulterated, they will say nothing until forced to by the law. Again, many dealers will order the adulterate goods because they can make more profit on them than is possible to do on wholesome pure foods. So, if you get pure food, you will have to select the brand and insist oni getting It from your dealer or send to the manufacturer for your supply. ALLEN'S SELF RISING BOSTON BROWN BREAD FLOUR IS PURE. ALLEN'S SELF-RISING 3-D PANCAKE FLOUR IS PURE.

ALLEN'S THREE B'S PATENT ROLLER FLOUR IS THE HIGHEST GRADE WHEAT FLOUR ON THE MARKET AND IS PURE. "For sale by all first class grdcers. If -yours does not have It, write to us. Allen's B. B.

B.FIoti rGp. "AHE most pronounced in- jj no-alion in the world of JSL fashion this season is the 1 x.T The worst tiling about indolence is It keeps foivver hnsy lieing lazy. It a gnil artei1 yon have fin-Ished your New -YeHr's--resolu-tions tu Uilu- note of th" nuinher of dnys th e.i' lives, so that you will a little da I a to base next year's calculation-! on. Some excuses are so thin that you can see through them they are yet a half a block away. Relatives can't being1 relatives.

No woman who appreciates the.

Petaluma Argus-Courier from Petaluma, California (2024)
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Author: Stevie Stamm

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Author information

Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

Address: Apt. 419 4200 Sipes Estate, East Delmerview, WY 05617

Phone: +342332224300

Job: Future Advertising Analyst

Hobby: Leather crafting, Puzzles, Leather crafting, scrapbook, Urban exploration, Cabaret, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.