Mh370 Orbs Video (2024)

1. "No Evidence Of Aliens": Elon Musk Revives Missing Flight MH370 ...

  • Apr 28, 2024 · Reviving the memories of flight MH370 which disappeared from radar years ago, Elon Musk on Saturday said that he has seen no evidence of ...

  • Reviving the memories of flight MH370 which disappeared from radar years ago, Elon Musk on Saturday said that he has seen no evidence of aliens while responding to a post showing a drone video of the flight.

2. MH370 news & latest pictures from

  • Video of three orbs surrounding an aircraft was shared on Reddit, with some linking it to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014. By ...

  • All the latest breaking news on MH370. Browse Newsweek archives of photos, videos and articles on MH370.

3. Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 news & latest pictures from

  • Video of three orbs surrounding an aircraft was shared on Reddit, with some linking it to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014.

  • All the latest breaking news on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370. Browse Newsweek archives of photos, videos and articles on Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370.

4. The MH370 Teleport Hoax - Skeptical Inquirer

The MH370 Teleport Hoax - Skeptical Inquirer

5. MH370: UFO encounter mystery videos - Meer

  • Mar 23, 2024 · The videos appeared to show classified video footage of an aircraft being harassed by three orb-like UFOs. One of the videos purportedly ...

  • New expert analysis could bring a paradigm shift in how we view the UFO phenomenon

MH370: UFO encounter mystery videos - Meer

6. MH370 Orbs - Listen - Theories of the Third Kind - Chartable

  • Classified Satellite videos recently surfaced from 2014, appearing to show Unexplained Orbs circulating around Malaysian Airlines flight MH370.

  • Listen now to MH370 Orbs from Theories of the Third Kind on Chartable. See historical chart positions, reviews, and more.

7. MH370 'surrounded by UFOs in satellite footage' sparks bonkers ...

  • Oct 18, 2023 · The video shows the plane surrounded by three mysterious “orbs” that, UFO researcher Ashton Forbes sensationally claims, were responsible ...

  • A new theory about the tragic disappearance of Malaysia Airlines MH370 connects the mystery with speculation about the 'Tic Tac' UFOs currently being reported by pilots worldwide

MH370 'surrounded by UFOs in satellite footage' sparks bonkers ...

8. Satellites Spot 3 Large Objects Near Malaysia Airliner Flight Path

  • Mar 12, 2014 · Flight MH370 never made contact with air traffic control in Ho Chi Minh City. The Malaysian authorities revealed that exchange in a briefing for ...

  • Satellite images posted on a Chinese government website appear to show three unidentified floating objects in the waters between Malaysia and Vietnam near the flight path of the missing Malaysia Airlines plane.

Satellites Spot 3 Large Objects Near Malaysia Airliner Flight Path

9. No, This Video Does Not Show the Moment Malaysian Aircraft MH370 ...

  • Dec 12, 2023 · ... orbs” appear. At least one of the spheres comes out of the water. Once the UAPs are around the plane it seems that the plane levels out ...

  • Fact-Check | An edited video is being shared on the internet to falsely claim that it shows the moment when Malaysian Airlines flight MH370 went missing.

No, This Video Does Not Show the Moment Malaysian Aircraft MH370 ...

10. Flying orbs filmed spinning around plane 'shows proof of teleportation ...

  • Aug 13, 2023 · ... People online have suggested the video ... orbs flying around a plane is proof MH370 may have been teleported.

  • Satellite footage showing three orbs floating around a plane, leading to sleuths online suggesting doomed Malaysian Airline flight MH370 may have had an extra-terrestrial end

Flying orbs filmed spinning around plane 'shows proof of teleportation ...

11. Fact Check: Do videos show MH370 Boeing "teleported" away by UFOs?

  • Video of three orbs surrounding an aircraft was shared on Reddit, with some linking it to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, ...

  • Video of three orbs surrounding an aircraft was shared on Reddit, with some linking it to Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370, which disappeared on March 8, 2014.

12. Flying orbs filmed spinning around plane 'shows proof of teleportation ...

  • Aug 13, 2023 · A spooky satellite video has UFO fans convinced that they might have solved the disappearance of flight MH370.

  • The apparent satellite footage shows three mysterious orbs spinning around a moving plane before a flash struck. People are divided over the clip which some have argued the video cannot be fake

Flying orbs filmed spinning around plane 'shows proof of teleportation ...
Mh370 Orbs Video (2024)


What is the most likely explanation of MH370? ›

The Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB), which led an underwater search for MH370, took the view that the most likely scenario was that the pilot eventually lost control of the aircraft, causing a rapid descent before crashing into the ocean.

How deep is MH370? ›

"The precise location of MH370 is in a very deep 6000-metre hole about 1500 kilometres west of Perth and along the longitude of Penang," says Lyne. "That location reconciles all evidence."

What was found during MH370 search? ›

The two wrecks were discovered 2.25km off the coast of Western Australia during a trawl in 2015 before maritime researchers were called in to help identify the vessels, The Sun reports. Sonar image of a 19th century shipwreck found by ATSB while searching for MH370.

How was MH370 tracked? ›

With MH370's transponder manually switched off before the plane was diverted, researchers at UK-based satellite company Inmarsat tracked seven pings – spread across one-hour intervals and believed to have come from the plane – to plot a possible route that looked to have ended in an area of the Indian Ocean some 2,000 ...

Why is MH370 so hard to find? ›

The Indian Ocean is the world's third largest, and the search was conducted in a difficult area, where searchers encountered bad weather and average depths of around 4 kilometers (2.5 miles). It's not common for planes to disappear in the deep sea, but when they do remains can be very hard to locate.

Why was the FBI investigating MH370? ›

Investigators are considering the possibility of hijacking, sabotage, terrorism or issues related to the mental health of the pilots or anyone else on board.

What sea creatures were found on MH370? ›

Scientists found Lepas anatifera, better known as barnacles, clinging to the first piece of debris confirmed to be from MH370. MH370 disappeared on March 8, 2014, with 239 people on board.

What was in the cargo of MH370? ›

The missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 was carrying lithium-ion batteries which can be highly flammable.

Was MH370 hijacked? ›

The plane is believed to have crashed in a remote part of the southern Indian Ocean. Theories about what happened on board range from hijacking to a loss of oxygen in the cabin to power failure. But there was no distress call, no ransom demand, nor bad weather or evidence of technical failures.

What was the last communication from MH370? ›

A 'log-on request' from the aircraft, followed by an acknowledgement and four other transmissions from the ground station. 'Log-on acknowledge' message transmitted by aircraft. This is the final transmission received from Flight 370.

What was the bank angle of mh370? ›

Ms Wrigley says the simulations "prove that the turn was at a steep bank angle (around 35° bank) while travelling at 250 knots".

Was MH370 on Flightradar24? ›

The initial information provided by Malaysian authorities led to confusion about the possible location of the aircraft. The last ADS-B position report from the aircraft was received by Flightradar24 at 17:21 UTC (1:21 AM local time), about 40 minutes after the aircraft departed Kuala Lumpur.

How did MH370 impact the world? ›

The disappearance of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 confounded authorities and focused the world on implementing a global system for tracking aircraft in distress.

What is the new theory of Malaysia Airlines? ›

This theory involves the pilot locking his first officer – Fariq Abdul Hamid – out of the flight deck, cutting off all communications and depressurizing the aircraft until the passengers died of hypoxia, before plummeting into the ocean.

Why do planes vanish in BBC? ›

An innovative mix of current-affairs investigation and scientific analysis, the film also explores other cases of missing aircraft to examine what lessons can be learned to make the aviation industry safer.

How many planes have disappeared? ›

Research tells us that there have been as many as about 84 missing aircrafts since 1948 which have vanished without trace. Only half a dozen were found after extensive searches.

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.