Instagram Color Codes - Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes (2024)

The official colors of Instagram are Instagram blue, Instagram purple blue, Instagram purple, Instagram purple red, Instagram rose, Instagram bright red, Instagram red orange, Instagram orange, Instagram orange yellow, and Instagram yellow. Instagram logo colors represent trust, ambition, passion, sociability, and creativity. The Instagram color palette has been the same since 2016. Instagram color scheme can be used for design projects and purposes. Instagram color codes and scheme for Pantone, HTML, HEX, RGB, and CMYK can be found below.

Instagram Official and Primary Colors

The official and primary colors of Instagram can be found below.

Instagram Color Codes - Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes (1)

Instagram Blue
Hex: #405DE6
RGB: (64, 93, 230)
CMYK: (78, 67, 0, 0)

Instagram Purple Blue
Hex: #5851DB
RGB: (88, 81, 219)
CMYK: (75, 72, 0, 0)

Instagram Purple
Hex: #833AB4
RGB: (131, 58, 180)
CMYK: (61, 85, 0, 0)

Instagram Purple Red
Hex: #C13584
RGB: (193, 53, 132)
CMYK: (24, 93, 14, 0)

Instagram Rose
Hex: #E1306C
RGB: (225, 48, 108)
CMYK: (24, 93, 14, 0)

Instagram Bright Red
Hex: #FD1D1D
RGB: (253, 29, 29)
CMYK: (0, 97, 96, 0)

Instagram Red Orange
Hex: #F56040
RGB: (245, 96, 64)
CMYK: (0, 78, 79, 0)

Instagram Orange
Hex: #F77737
RGB: (247, 119, 55)
CMYK: (0, 67, 86, 0)

Instagram Orange Yellow
Hex: #FCAF45
RGB: (252, 175, 69)
CMYK: (0, 36, 83, 0)

Instagram Yellow
Hex: #FFDC80
RGB: (255, 220, 128)
CMYK: (1, 12, 60, 0)

Color Codes of Instagram in HEX, RGB, CMYK and Pantone
Color Name HEX Color Code RGB Color Code CMYK Color Code Pantone Color Code
Instagram Blue #405DE6 (64, 93, 230) (78, 67, 0, 0) PMS 2726 C
Instagram Purple Blue #5851DB (88, 81, 219) (75, 72, 0, 0) PMS 2125 C
Instagram Purple #833AB4 (131, 58, 180) (61, 85, 0, 0) PMS 2084 C
Instagram Purple Red #C13584 (193, 53, 132) (0, 73, 32, 24) PMS 80-7 C
Instagram Rose #E1306C (225, 48, 108) (0, 79, 52, 12) PMS 68-8 C
Instagram Bright Red #FD1D1D (253, 29, 29) (0, 97, 96, 0) PMS Bright Red C
Instagram Red Orange #F56040 (245, 96, 64) (0, 78, 79, 0) PMS 2026 C
Instagram Orange #F77737 (247, 119, 55) (0, 67, 86, 0) PMS 16-1359 TPX
Instagram Orange Yellow #FCAF45 (252, 175, 69) (0, 36, 83, 0) PMS 1365 C
Instagram Yellow #FFDC80 (255, 220, 128) (1, 12, 60, 0) PMS 2005 C

Table of Contents

  • 1 Instagram Official and Primary Colors
    • 1.1 Instagram Hex Color Codes
    • 1.2 Instagram Color Codes RGB
    • 1.3 Instagram Color Scheme CMYK
    • 1.4 Instagram Pantone Colors
  • 2 What are the Logo Colors of Instagram?
    • 2.1 Instagram Logo Color Palette Image Format
    • 2.2 Instagram Logo Fonts
    • 2.3 Instagram Logo JPG
    • 2.4 Instagram Logo PNG
  • 3 What Is the Meaning of the Instagram logo?
    • 3.1 Instagram Logo Story
  • 4 Instagram Logo Colors Confirmation
  • 5 What are Other Similar Brands that Use Same Color Schemes as Instagram?

Instagram Hex Color Codes

Instagram HEX color codes are #405DE6 for Instagram blue, #5851DB for Instagram purple blue, #833AB4 for Instagram purple, #C13584 for Instagram purple red, #E1306C for Instagram rose, #FD1D1D for Instagram bright red, #F56040 for Instagram red orange, #F77737 for Instagram orange, #FCAF45 for Instagram orange yellow, and #FFDC80 for Instagram yellow. Instagram colors as HEX can be found below.

See also DaKine Color Codes

Instagram HEX color for Instagram blue can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram purple blue can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram purple can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram purple red can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram rose can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram bright red can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram red orange can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram orange can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram orange yellow can be found below.


Instagram HEX color for Instagram yellow can be found below.


Color Codes of Instagram as HEX
Color Name HEX Color Code
Instagram Blue #405DE6
Instagram Purple Blue #5851DB
Instagram Purple #833AB4
Instagram Purple Red #C13584
Instagram Rose #E1306C
Instagram Bright Red #FD1D1D
Instagram Red Orange #F56040
Instagram Orange #F77737
Instagram Orange Yellow #FCAF45
Instagram Yellow #FFDC80

Instagram Color Codes RGB

Instagram RGB color scheme is (64, 93, 230) for Instagram blue, (88, 81, 219) for Instagram purple blue, (131, 58, 180) for Instagram purple, (193, 53, 132) for Instagram purple red, (225, 48, 108) for Instagram rose, (253, 29, 29) for Instagram bright red, (245, 96, 64) for Instagram red orange, (247, 119, 55) for Instagram orange, (252, 175, 69) for Instagram orange yellow, and (255, 220, 128) for Instagram yellow. Instagram color palette as RGB can be found below.

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram blue can be found below.

(64, 93, 230)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram purple blue can be found below.

(88, 81, 219)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram purple can be found below.

(131, 58, 180)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram purple red can be found below.

(193, 53, 132)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram rose can be found below.

(225, 48, 108)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram bright red can be found below.

(253, 29, 29)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram red orange can be found below.

(245, 96, 64)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram orange can be found below.

(247, 119, 55)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram orange yellow can be found below.

(252, 175, 69)

Instagram RGB color code for Instagram yellow can be found below.

(255, 220, 128)

Color Codes of Instagram as RGB
Color Name RGB Color Code
Instagram Blue (64, 93, 230)
Instagram Purple Blue (88, 81, 219)
Instagram Purple (131, 58, 180)
Instagram Purple Red (193, 53, 132)
Instagram Rose (225, 48, 108)
Instagram Bright Red (253, 29, 29)
Instagram Red Orange (245, 96, 64)
Instagram Orange (247, 119, 55)
Instagram Orange Yellow (252, 175, 69)
Instagram Yellow (255, 220, 128)

Instagram Color Scheme CMYK

Instagram CMYK color codes are (78, 67, 0, 0) for Instagram blue, (75, 72, 0, 0) for Instagram purple blue, (61, 85, 0, 0) for Instagram purple, (0, 73, 32, 24) for Instagram purple red, (0, 79, 52, 12) for Instagram rose, (0, 97, 96, 0) for Instagram bright red, (0, 78, 79, 0) for Instagram red orange, (0, 67, 86, 0) for Instagram orange, (0, 36, 83, 0) for Instagram orange yellow, and (1, 12, 60, 0) for Instagram yellow. Instagram color palette as CMYK can be found below.

See also Orange Color Codes

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram purple blue can be found below.

(78, 67, 0, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram purple blue can be found below.

(75, 72, 0, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram purple can be found below.

(61, 85, 0, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram purple red can be found below.

(0, 73, 32, 24)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram rose can be found below.

(0, 79, 52, 12)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram bright red can be found below.

(0, 97, 96, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram red orange can be found below.

(0, 78, 79, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram orange can be found below.

(0, 67, 86, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram orange yellow can be found below.

(0, 36, 83, 0)

Instagram CMYK color code for Instagram yellow can be found below.

(1, 12, 60, 0)

Color Codes of Instagram as CMYK
Color Name CMYK Color Code
Instagram Blue (78, 67, 0, 0)
Instagram Purple Blue (75, 72, 0, 0)
Instagram Purple (61, 85, 0, 0)
Instagram Purple Red (0, 73, 32, 24)
Instagram Rose (0, 79, 52, 12)
Instagram Bright Red (0, 97, 96, 0)
Instagram Red Orange (0, 78, 79, 0)
Instagram Orange (0, 67, 86, 0)
Instagram Orange Yellow (0, 36, 83, 0)
Instagram Yellow (1, 12, 60, 0)

Instagram Pantone Colors

Instagram Pantone color codes are PMS 2726 C for Instagram blue, PMS 2125 C for Instagram purple blue, PMS 2084 C for Instagram purple, PMS 80-7 C for Instagram purple red, PMS 68-8 C for Instagram rose, PMS Bright Red C for Instagram bright red, PMS 2026 C for Instagram red orange, PMS 16-1359 TPX for Instagram orange, PMS 1365 C for Instagram orange yellow, and PMS 2005 C for Instagram yellow. Instagram Pantone colors can be found below.

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram blue can be found below.

PMS 2726 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram purple blue can be found below.

PMS 2125 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram purple can be found below.

PMS 2084 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram purple red can be found below.

PMS 80-7 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color for Instagram rose can be found below.

PMS 68-8 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram bright red can be found below.

PMS Bright Red C

See also Mountain Dew Color Codes

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram red orange can be found below.

PMS 2026 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram orange can be found below.

PMS 16-1359 TPX

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color code for Instagram orange yellow can be found below.

PMS 1365 C

Instagram Pantone (PMS) color for Instagram yellow can be found below.

PMS 2005 C

Color Codes of Instagram as Pantone
Color NamePantone Color Code
Instagram Blue PMS 2726 C
Instagram Purple Blue PMS 2125 C
Instagram Purple PMS 2084 C
Instagram Purple Red PMS 80-7 C
Instagram Rose PMS 68-8 C
Instagram Bright Red PMS Bright Red C
Instagram Red Orange PMS 2026 C
Instagram Orange PMS 16-1359 TPX
Instagram Orange Yellow PMS 1365 C
Instagram Yellow PMS 2005 C

What are the Logo Colors of Instagram?

Instagram logo has Instagram blue, Instagram purple blue, Instagram purple, Instagram purple red, Instagram rose, Instagram bright red, Instagram red orange, Instagram orange, Instagram orange yellow, and Instagram yellow colors and two overlapping rounded square objects with a hollow circle and a dot to its upper right in the center creating a camera icon. The Instagram logo meaning symbolizes the photography-focused function of the platform. The camera object is for instant photography.

Instagram Logo Color Palette Image Format

The Instagram logo colors can be found in an image format below.

Instagram Logo Fonts

The Instagram logo font is Billabong. The Billabong font is used for the Instagram text logo.

Instagram Logo JPG

The Instagram logo in JPG format can be found below.

To download the Instagram logo in JPG format, right-click and choose save.

Instagram Logo PNG

The Instagram logo in PNG format can be found below.

To download the Instagram logo in PNG format, right-click and choose save.

What Is the Meaning of the Instagram logo?

Instagram logo meaning is embracing creativity and free expression. Instagram logo colors symbolize trust, ambition, passion, sociability, and creativity. The Instagram blue color from the Instagram logo represents trust. The purple color from the Instagram logo symbolizes ambition. The Instagram red color from the Instagram logo symbolizes passion. The Instagram orange color from the Instagram logo symbolizes sociability. The Instagram yellow color from the Instagram logo symbolizes creativity.

Instagram Logo Story

The Instagram logo has been created by Robert Padbury. Robert Padbury has created Instagram logo and chosen Instagram blue, Instagram purple blue, Instagram purple, Instagram purple red, Instagram rose, Instagram bright red, Instagram red orange, Instagram orange, Instagram orange yellow, and Instagram yellow as the Instagram brand color palette because of its trendy look and appeal to the Millennial and Gen Z market.

Instagram Logo Colors Confirmation

Instagram logo colors are confirmed by the Meta company. The Instagram blue, Instagram purple blue, Instagram purple, Instagram purple red, Instagram rose, Instagram bright red, Instagram red orange, Instagram orange, Instagram orange yellow, and Instagram yellow colors for the Instagram brand logo can be confirmed by visiting the official Instagram website.

What are Other Similar Brands that Use Same Color Schemes as Instagram?

Brands that use colors similar to Instagram are listed below.

  1. ADATA
  2. Kotlin
  3. Brandwatch
  4. Solana
Instagram Color Codes - Hex, RGB and CMYK Color Codes (2024)
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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.